Adding text to a canvas is as simple as calling ctx.fillText
like this:
"Hello World", // text to write
20, // x coordinate
50, // y coordinate
Using ctx.fillText
along with template strings in JavaScript makes creating scoreboards and showing debug information about your game on screen easy tasks.
Here’s a 12-minute video walkthrough, or read on below for the quicker text summary.
Template Strings
Template strings in JavaScript allow us to mix text and code freely. Template strings start with backticks (``) instead of quotes (the key next to the 1 on your keyboard). In template strings, you can include any JavaScript you want to be evaluated inside of braces prefixed with a dollarsign, like this: ${}
Example template string use:
let txt = `Current ${score}.
Current health: ${}.`;
Making Our Scoreboard
To create a simple scoreboard for a game, we will want to:
- Create a scoreboard object
- Add a score property to the object
- Add a write method that writes the score to the canvas.
- Call the write method in our animation code.
The basic object setup…
export let scoreboard = {
score : 0,
function write () {
ctx.font = '48px Futura';
`Score: ${this.score}`,
We then just need to call scoreboard.write()
inside our animation code when we are drawing to the canvas and we will see the current score.
Wherever we want to change the score, we can just assign to our score using scoreboard.score += 1
to add one, for example.
Adding Debug Info
It is also easy to use ctx.fillText
to add debugging information to your game so you can see things like object properties in real time as you play your game.
Imagine I had a player and enemy object and wanted to see their positions as I played. Here’s what a module to write that debug info might look like:
import {player} from './player';
import {enemy} from './enemy';
export const debugInfo = {
y : 60,
write () {
ctx.font = '16px Courier'
// Y position of text
this.y = 60;
writePlayerDebug () {
this.y += 20; // move 1 line down
`Player: ${player.x.toFixed(2)},${player.y.toFixed(2)}`,
writeEnemyDebug () {
this.y += 20; // move 1 line down
`Enemy: ${enemy.x.toFixed(2)},${enemy.y.toFixed(2)}`,