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How-To's from Mr. Hinkle's Intro to JavaScript Class

Using Spritesheets in the Canvas

First, see my sprites overview

Canvas Based Sprite

We can draw images to the canvas using the drawImage method of the 2d drawing context.

The full structure of the ctx.drawImage is as follows:

drawImage(image, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight)

In this case, sx and sy represent where we want to grab the image from in the source (source x and source y) and dx and dy represent where we want to put the image (destinaton x and destinaton y)

Let’s say I wanted to simply display the image to the canvas, I would start with a call like this:

drawImage(dudeImage, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64)

That draws the first 64x64 square of my spritesheet.

Then when I update the animation, I would simply update the sx parameter to move it 64 pixels to the left, making a call like this:

drawImage(dudeImage, 64, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64)

Here it is live:

Live Example

Creating a Canvas Based Sprite

The steps to create a canvas based sprite are a little complex.

  1. First, you have to make sure you’ve loaded you spritesheet – this is the same as loading any other image. See images on canvases.
  2. Second, you have to decide when you want to update your drawing. You could do this using requestAnimationFrame or you could do it in response to user input depending on your use case (if your sprite animates each time the user hits a key, for example, you would do this differently than if the sprite animates continuously)
  3. Third, each time you want to update your sprite, you need to call drawImage and update the source offset so you get the correct frame of your sprite displaying.