Quiz Game: Handling Right Answers
This tutorial assumes you’ve already completed the set-up in the quiz game tutorial
Let’s assume that when users get an answer right, we want to:
- Display feedback to show the user they got the answer right
- Update a score for the user!
First step
Our first step is simply to give the user some feedback that they got the answer right. We can use code very similar to what we did in for wrong answers if we like. To make things a bit fancier, I’m going to add a bit of feedback to the screen to complement the user.
Adding Feedback
I’m going to start by adding some feedback on the screen:
export function markCorrect (button) {
button.innerHTML += `
<div class="feedback">Way to go!
.correct {
/* Allow us to position a custom "stamp" over the button
position: relative;
/* Make it bigger! */
transform: scale(1.2);
.correct .feedback {
position: absolute;
right: -15px;
top: 15px;
transform: rotate(35deg);
background-color: green;
color: white;
padding: 4px;
font-size: small;
import {markWrong, markCorrect} from './feedback';
// ...
function makeButton (a : string, question: Question) {
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerText = a;
function () {
if (a==question.answer) {
// handle right answer
} else {
// handle wrong answer
return button;
Delaying the Feedback
To delay the feedback, I can use a setTimeout
, which allows me to ask the browser to run some code after some time has gone by.
export function markCorrect (button) {
let feedback = 'Way to go!';
function () {
button.innerHTML += `
<div class="feedback">${feedback}</div>
500 // after 500ms
There are lots of ways you could customize the feedback, including coding custom feedback for each question if you were so inclined.
Adding a Score!
If we want to add a “score” to our game, we can do so by simply creating a variable to keep track of the score and updating it in our right/wrong answer code.
Here’s a simple score module (you could implement your own with your own custom logic).
First, I need to add a place to display the score to my HTML:
<!-- insert this wherever you want to display the score -->
<div id="score"></div>
Next, I’ll write some simple code for updating the score — you can decide how you want to handle the display of the scoring for your own quiz.
import './score.css'
let right = 0;
let attempts = 0;
export function addCorrectAnswer () {
right += 1;
attempts += 1;
export function addIncorrectAnswer () {
attempts += 1;
let scoreDiv = document.querySelector('#score');
function updateDisplay () {
scoreDiv.innerHTML = `
Score: ${right}/${attempts}
#score {
font-size: small;
Animating the new score!
To add a little animation each time the score updates, I can add a new class to the score div each time we update it. We’ll then have to remove that class once our animation has played. Luckily, there’s an event that plays when a transition finishes playing that will let us handle this.
#score.new {
transform: scale(1.2)rotate(360deg);
transition: transform 500ms;
function () {
Preventing multiple answers from counting
At this point, we have a score that updates with each click of an answer button.
We now have to decide how we want to handle right answers after a wrong answer. There are lots of answers to this – in my case, I’m going to go ahead and give the user feedback on what’s wrong and right, but not update the score.
To do this, I’ll have to keep track of whether the user has already answered my question.
There are lots of ways to do this – I’ll go ahead and update my score module to know what the current question is and check whether it’s been answered or not.
First, I have to export the current question number from quiz.ts
export let currentQuestionNumber = 0
Next, I need to add an object to keep track of answers in score.ts
which I’ll do like this:
let answered = []; // array to map right/wrong answers
export function addCorrectAnswer () {
if (!answered[currentQuestionNumber]) {
right += 1;
attempts += 1;
answered[currentQuestionNumber] = 'correct';
export function addIncorrectAnswer () {
if (!answered[currentQuestionNumber]) {
attempts += 1;
answered[currentQuestionNumber] = 'wrong';