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JS1 Help

How-To's from Mr. Hinkle's Intro to JavaScript Class

To add an image to the page, we’ll want to:

  1. Upload the image file to our project.
  2. Add an image to our webpage.
  3. Get the image for use in JavaScript

Uploading the File

Note: if you just upload an image to your Vite project, it will seem to work, but when you publish the project, it won’t work properly. To work around this, create a folder called public at the top level of your project and put images there.

So, for example, I could upload a file called cat.jpg to the folder public

Add image to the webpage

Now, we will want to add the image to our webpage. Let’s do this just using HTML by editing our HTML directly. Just below the close body tag </body> we’ll add the following:


  <div style="display:block;">
    <img id="cat" src="/cat.jpg">

Once you see that your cat is in fact showing up on the page, you can change the style to read "display:none" instead of "display:block" so the image doesn’t show up on your page.

Getting the image in JavaScript

To get the image element in JavaScript, we’ll use document.querySelector('#cat') where the #cat corresponds to id=cat in our HTML.

Let’s create a file for our image code:


import {canvas,ctx} from './canvas';

let imageElement = document.querySelector('#cat');
const width = 150;
const height = 150;
export function drawCat (x, y) {
  ctx.drawImage(imageElement, x, y, width, height);

Hiding that original cat

Now that we have our cat working on the canvas, we don’t need to show the original cat. We can go back into our HTML and change the line where it says display:block to read display:none and the cat will no longer appear:


A final note: you can check out the drawImage docs for a more complete explanation of what’s possible with that function, but this should get you started :)

See also my generic JS docs